Friday, February 12, 2021

Pick Your Good Days

 Right now, it goes without saying that we're battling a lot of demons in the world around us. A lot of us have anxiety and depression that tug at us in the back of our minds/bodies on a daily basis. That's exacerbated during this pandemic era, as we are kept in the house, away from the friends and events that break up the monotony. We're politically divided, and our schedules can't flow the way they normally would with the virus still at large. So how do we manage our mental health against our panic and our stacking to-do lists? Quite simply, we have to pick our good days.

During this weird time in 2021, we're not going to be fully functional every day, and that's okay. Some days, getting out of bed will be enough. Other days, staying in bed to rest is the wise choice. And then on occasion, our hyper-productive instincts will kick in, catching up on our work and filling us with the energy to move mountains. The key to wading through that range of emotion is two-fold. You have to listen to what your body is telling you, and you have to be content with whatever your results are. 

They say you can't pour from an empty cup, meaning you can't give an energy and an effort that aren't there. Your health is the most important phase of your existence, and your productivity doesn't define who you are. We've talked in the past on this blog about setting small goals/lists for yourself and rewarding yourself for accomplishing tasks, so I won't go over those again. But I will say this: don't judge yourself for having a day/week where you don't "get anything done". Sometimes your top task isn't to progress your art or clean your house, sometimes it's simply to get your mind/body back to a rested and peaceful state. 

So pick your good days. When you're feeling clear, throw that pot of coffee on, turn that music up, and chip away at your list. When the world is getting you down, grab a pizza and binge some Netflix, but remain guilt free knowing that tomorrow is another chance to be productive. When you're mentally drained and physically hurt, grab a long bath and bury yourself in a fort of blankets. You're doing the world a favor by recharging yourself, because your friends and family need you to care for yourself so that you can care for them later. Trusting yourself without judging yourself is so important in today's world. 

I hope that today is one of your good days. And if it's not, maybe it will be tomorrow. 


Jason Burke     

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