While I'm not here to build a claim for either of these sides today, I am here to say that Trump (or whoever would have been elected) isn't the end all, be all. With approval ratings, congress, protesters, and so forth, he can only do so much (in a positive or a negative sense). While we're living in unknown and uncertain times nationally, it's our neighborhoods, businesses, and spirits locally that are suffering most. Nothing in the vain of radical positive changes can occur in the United States as a whole until we fix our local towns, suburbs, and attitudes right outside our front doors. If each of us work on fixing our hearts and being the best version of ourselves, we'll find that the world is a much more tolerant, positive, happy place for it. Whether you aim to help Trump in his cause, or you wish to make up for what you feel are his wrongdoings, here are some quick and easy ways to fix the world from outside the political system.
1. Shop Locally
Big business runs rampant in America, with more shopping monopolies than ever before. Before you run out to Giant Eagle or Walmart to dole out a ton of cash, consider the neighborhood shops. Our local towns are suffering economically, and this simple change would make a big difference. Spending time at your local pawn shop, drug store, or art gallery has many benefits. It puts money back in the pockets of small time businessmen, circulating money for your neighbors and friends, stimulating the local economy. It also puts you more in tune with the surrounding population, perhaps creating a relationship with more people in your town and making you more present in the neighborhood. Prices also tend to be cheaper in local shops, so you'd save money too, while you're funneling it into the hands of people who really need it.
2. Visit Hospitals
Everyone has different ways of spending their free time, finally unencumbered of their busy jobs and hectic lives. But I've found that one of the best ways to use up a free hour each week is to spend time at the closest hospital. Even if you don't have a relative to brighten up, your presence will be much appreciated. You may mentor a sick child, volunteer to lighten a workload, or simply spend time with a needing, elderly stranger. Smiles and effort are contagious, and have an immense power to impact someone's entire day. Even spending an hour swapping stories can change someone's heart. This gives you perspective that you're not the only one struggling, and reminds you how good you may have it in life. Not to mention the benefits of getting to know a grateful person and spreading joy that can touch (or even extend) someone's life. Which in turn, makes you a happier person, and creates a heartfelt cycle.
3. Creation Is Better Than Destruction
Instead of spending time yelling at some person whose opinion differs from yours, and trying to get them to see what they undoubtedly won't, channel that frustration into making art. Take some time to love yourself instead of hating others. Write, draw, paint, knit, act, sing, dance, ect. Whichever form your creative spirit enjoys, escape into it. These hobbies not only are incredible stress relievers that are good for the body, but they keep the mind flowing on positive things. You're adding to your legacy and attaching things to your name that can never be taken from you. Find your voice through art, not through hateful words and hurt feelings.
4. Neighborhood Watch
When I was younger, neighborhoods policed themselves. Every surrounding neighbor acted as an extended parent for every child, and every child was accountable to those adults. Kids walked freely up and down the streets without fear, because every home had guardians who cared for them inside. I know we live in a different, more dangerous time now. But for that reason, we need to watch our local towns more than ever. How do we expect to clean up national streets if we can't even improve our local ones from crime, homelessness, and pollution. Work with the adults in your community to set up a neighborhood watch of sorts. Be mindful of trash, be respectful of neighbors, be intolerant to crime. If each neighborhood improves one iota, we'll be in a far better place economically and peacefully than we were before. Watching your animals, correcting your children, picking up garbage, and keeping your eyes open can improve your living situation and your stress by 100%.
5. Forgive Grudges
If 2016 taught us anything, it's that people die. While people started blaming the number on the calendar for taking beloved names from our lives, the reality is, we're all getting older every day. "In the best of times, our days are numbered anyway", Alistair Cooke wrote. Society has gotten so entitled, and so comfortable being angry. What did someone do to you to make you so upset? When we hold a grudge, it doesn't hurt the person who we're holding the grudge against, it hurts us. There's no sense making such an effort to hold onto hate against a person who doesn't even care in the first place. While they are paying no care or attention, we're busy losing sleep, shedding tears, and saying hurtful things. In most cases, it's lack of honesty or communication that caused the issue. Say what you need to say, get everything out, and move on. If there is a response, listen to it, and consider it from their perspective. Listening clearly, with empathy, is just as important as getting your feelings out. In some cases, this exercise will repair relationships. In others, you'll forgive them for yourself, and then move on. Either way, you'll release held feelings and lower stress by the boatloads, and give yourself the peaceful conclusion you deserve. Tomorrow isn't promised, so make yourself happy today.
6. Donate Items
Clutter is the devil's playground. A busy and full room can lead to a busy and full mind. One of my favorite feelings in the world is cleaning up my home, and getting rid of extraneous things. Whether it's cleaning out your closets, emptying old bill drawers, or weeding out your social media accounts of toxic relationships, this is a supreme stress release. Give your unused clothes to disabled veterans. Give your old toys to needy children for Christmas. Give your extra tapes to a friend with spare time. Getting rid of these things will not only make you breathe deeper for having a cleaner space, but it also channels those items to people that can truly use and appreciate them.
There you have it. Amidst my long and detailed ramblings, I've enclosed 6 tips to improve your lifestyle and make the most of your local worlds. The first step to improving the nation is improving our towns and ourselves. If we're kind, mindful, creative, giving, and supportive, does it truly matter who's in office in Washington? One human man can't completely save or destroy the world alone, but one fixed heart in one small neighborhood at a time, can certainly go a long way toward improving it. Love yourselves, and love each other.
-Jason Burke